We each have the ability to create and be creative. In a society rooted in white supremacy and driven by capitalism, we don't always get to channel this into things that feed our soul, give us life and a reprieve from daily stressors. Riouex Designs Mobile Crafts exists to create spaces of rest, exploration and joy for women and non-men of color.

Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.
- Audre Lorde

About Us

Riouex Designs, LLC was established in a small city with a big personality—Kalamazoo, MI. It grew from a desire (and need) to explore this almost mythical concept of work-life balance, make self-care a priority, and channel—into our personal goals—the same industrious, problem-solving energy and devotion already requested of us at work.Creative activities have the power to renew energy, inspire dreams, and re-establish a connection to self that can sometimes get lost in the daily grind of surviving. Riouex Designs, LLC hopes to share a bit of this creative space with you. Be present. We'll take care of the rest.Our team is very small but we've got our eyes on mountains. Between working full-time and community advocacy we've been working to develop experiences that allow you to engage in an array of activities that not only tap into your own creative talents, but also promote self-care and mental well-being.


Coming Soon

Our Story

I'm so glad you're here. My name is Lauren and I'm really looking forward to sharing a collaborative and creative space with you.Raised in Kalamazoo, I am a Loy Norrix High School and Western Michigan University alumna. I've worked in higher education for over a decade and have had the opportunity to meet so many fantastic souls. My passion for my work, however, meant that work was not just at my institution, it was in my home, at the dinner table, at the grocery store and even in my dreams! Free time never felt like free time because if I wasn't actively working on work, I was exhausted just from thinking about it. Almost by accident, I found the thing that could help me consistently set clear boundaries—crafting. I have never considered myself creative. In fact, I initially went to college to be an industrial engineer which truly requires a lot of creativity in addition to technical skill. In the field they call it problem-solving.During my self-care journey I learned how to make bracelets, then earrings, necklaces, branched out to resin, paper crafts and just never stopped learning.I want to share these experiences with others because I know how helpful and therapeutic it was to take a break from the worries of life and create for the sake of creating. Thank you for letting me share my story and I hope to share some crafting experiences with you soon!

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